Review On School Bus (27)

Vidhya Ramhari Golhar Is Thankful For Free School Bus Service

Vidya expressed her sentiments by saying that they live in the village, and when going to school, she has to take her younger brother and sister along with her. During the monsoon, she had to wade through mud to get to school, and taking care of her younger siblings added to her burdens, causing a lot of hardship. Often, she had to walk extra distances through others’ fields to reduce the distance. All this was very frightening, and she frequently had thorns piercing her feet. Despite enduring a lot of hardship, her siblings and she have persevered for education. However, with the free school bus now, they are able to enjoy comfortable travel and regular education. She extends her heartfelt thanks.

“With the help of generous donors, Satyashodhak Mahila Vikas Mandal, has started a free school bus service for students from underprivileged backgrounds. However, we also sincerely request you to consider contributing Rs. 450 per student per month to support this project financially.”

विद्याने आपले मनोगत व्यक्त करताना सांगितले की,आम्ही शेतात राहतो,आणि शाळेत जाताना मला माझ्या लहान भावाला आणि बहिणीला देखील सोबत घेऊन जावे लागते.पावसाळ्यात शाळेत जाताना चिखल तुडवत जावे लागत असे,त्यात धाकट्या भावंडाना पण नेण्याची व आणण्याची जबाबदारी असल्याने फार त्रेधातिरपीट होत असे, इतरांच्या शेतातून चालत अंतर कमी करण्यासाठी पायपीट करावी लागे.हे सर्व करताना खूप भीती वाटायची.त्यात बऱ्याचदा पायात काटे घुसायचे,आम्हा भावंडांनी खूप त्रास सहन करीत आजपर्यंत शिक्षण घेण्यासाठी धडपड केली आहे,पण आपल्या मोफत स्कूल बस मुळे आम्हाला आरामदायी प्रवासासोबतच नियमित शिक्षण देखील मिळवता येत आहे,आपले खूप खूप धन्यवाद!

सर्व देणगीदारांच्या मदतीने सत्यशोधक महिला विकास मंडळ मार्फत दारिद्र्यरेषेखालील विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी मोफत स्कूलबस सुरू करण्यात आली आहे. तरी आपण सुद्धा रुपये 450/- प्रति विद्यार्थी प्रति महिना देऊन ह्या प्रकल्पात मोलाचा हातभार लावावा हीच सदिच्छा.


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