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A Group of Students From Nimdongari – Thakarwadi Giving Thanks To Ngo For Helping Them

When free buses became available for students from remote areas like Nim Dongri – Thakarwadi, their joy knew no bounds as they could now easily reach school.

In the remote tribal communities, these children are extremely gentle, soft-spoken, and reserved, never revealing their hardships to anyone. Despite facing the struggle of poverty, they dream of education with determination. However, often they are forced to abandon their education due to lack of assistance, primarily due to poverty, which forces them to walk long distances to school. As a result, they often find themselves vulnerable to various natural disasters.

During the bus inquiry, they expressed, “Previously, we had to walk 4-5 kilometers which caused us various troubles. We had to bear many kinds of trouble. But now that we have been given free bus travel, we can go to school comfortably and on time. Thank you very much for that!

निम डोंगरी – ठाकर वाडी सारख्या दुर्गम भागातील या विद्यार्थ्यांना जेव्हा शाळेत जाण्या येण्यासाठी मोफत बस उपलब्ध झाली तेव्हा त्यांचा आनंद गगनात मावेनासा झाला.

दुर्गम भागातील आदिवासी समाजातील ही मुले अत्यंत,शांत,मृदुभाषी ,लेकरे आपल्या व्यथा कुणालाही न सांगता, मुकाटपणे गरिबी शी झुंज देत शिक्षणाची स्वप्न बघतात,परंतु अनेकदा त्यांना मदतीअभावी शिक्षण सोडावे लागते,यात प्रामुख्याने गरिबी, शाळेत दूरवर पायी चालत जावे लागणे ज्यामुळे त्यांना अनेक नैसर्गिक आपत्तींना सामोरे जावे लागणे इ. बाबी कारणीभूत ठरतात.

बस बाबत चौकशी केली असता,”आम्हाला आधी 4-5 किलोमिटर पायी चालत जावे लागत असे ,अनेक प्रकारचे त्रास यामुळे सहन करावे लागले,पण तुम्ही मोफत बस ची सोय केल्याने आता आम्ही आरामात आणि वेळेवर शाळेत जाऊ शकतो,त्याबद्दल खूप खूप धन्यवाद !


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