Eye Checkup & Treatment Campaigns

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“Vision for All: Brighten Lives, Save Sight”
Our vision care campaign in 1995-96


प्रकल्पाची महत्त्वाची माहिती


           1995 मध्ये, आमच्या एनजीओने एक मिशन सुरू केले जे केवळ दृष्टी पुनर्संचयित करण्यापलीकडे गेले; जीवनात परिवर्तन घडवून आणणे आणि गरजूंना आशा निर्माण करणे हे त्याचे उद्दिष्ट आहे. मोफत नेत्र तपासणी, मोतीबिंदू शस्त्रक्रिया, शस्त्रक्रिया झालेल्या रुग्णांसाठी भोजन व्यवस्था आणि मोफत चष्म्यांचे वाटप अशा बहुआयामी मोहिमेद्वारे आम्ही आमच्या समाजातील करुणेची शक्ती दाखवून दिली.

         1995 मध्ये, आमच्या एनजीओने मोफत नेत्रतपासणी मोहीम सुरू केल्याने आमच्या समुदायाचे डोळे उज्वल भविष्याकडे वळले ज्याने केवळ दृष्टीदोषच नाही तर गरजूंना भेडसावणाऱ्या आव्हानांनाही तोंड दिले. आमचा सर्वसमावेशक दृष्टीकोन सर्वांच्या आर्थिक परिस्थितीकडे दुर्लक्ष करून सर्वांसाठी दर्जेदार नेत्रसेवा उपलब्ध करून देण्याचा प्रयत्न करत आहे.

        आमचा प्रवास एका साध्या पण सशक्त विश्वासाने सुरू झाला: दृष्टीच्या समस्यांमुळे कोणीही अंधारात राहू नये. समर्पित स्वयंसेवक, वैद्यकीय व्यावसायिक आणि समुदाय नेत्यांच्या पाठिंब्याने, आम्ही हा विश्वास प्रत्यक्षात आणण्यासाठी निघालो.

        आमची मोहीम फक्त डोळ्यांच्या शस्त्रक्रियांपेक्षा जास्त होती. हा एक समग्र प्रयत्न होता ज्यामध्ये काळजीच्या विविध पैलूंचा समावेश होता:

  1. मोफत नेत्र तपासणी:

    दृष्टीच्या समस्या असलेल्या व्यक्तींना ओळखण्यासाठी आम्ही मोफत नेत्र तपासणी शिबिरे आयोजित केली.कुशल नेत्रचिकित्सक आणि नेत्ररोग तज्ञांनी त्यांच्या तज्ञांनी डोळ्यांची संपूर्ण तपासणी केली. आम्ही ओळखले की डोळ्यांच्या समस्या लवकर ओळखणे महत्वाचे आहे दृष्टी कमी होणे टाळण्यासाठी. आमच्या आरोग्यसेवा व्यावसायिकांच्या समर्पित टीमने मोफत नेत्रतपासणी केली, जिथे अशा सेवांचा प्रवेश मर्यादित आहे अशा दुर्गम खेड्यांपर्यंत पोहोचला. या स्क्रीनिंगद्वारे, आम्ही दृष्टीच्या काळजीची गरज असलेल्या व्यक्तींना ओळखण्यात सक्षम झालो.


  1. मोफत मोतीबिंदू शस्त्रक्रिया:

मोतीबिंदूचे निदान झालेल्यांवर मोफत शस्त्रक्रिया करण्यात आल्या.स्थानिक रुग्णालये आणि शल्यचिकित्सकांनी उदारपणे त्यांची संसाधने आणि वेळ दिला.मोतीबिंदू हे भारतातील अंधत्वाचे प्रमुख कारण आहे, विशेषत: ग्रामीण भागात जिथे वैद्यकीय सुविधांची कमतरता आहे. आमच्या एनजीओने मोतीबिंदू शस्त्रक्रिया शिबिरे आयोजित केली, कुशल सर्जन आणि आवश्यक उपकरणे गरजूंच्या दारापर्यंत पोहोचवली. या उपक्रमाने अनेकांची दृष्टी पुनर्संचयित केली, त्यांना अधिक परिपूर्ण जीवन जगण्यास सक्षम केले.

  1. शस्त्रक्रिया रुग्णांसाठी भोजन व्यवस्था:

आम्ही ओळखले की शस्त्रक्रिया रुग्णांना वैद्यकीय सेवेच्या पलीकडे समर्थन आवश्यक आहे.स्वयंसेवकांनी खात्री केली की रुग्णांना त्यांच्या मुक्कामादरम्यान पौष्टिक जेवण आणि दयाळू काळजी मिळेल.आम्हाला समजले की ग्रामीण भागातील अनेक व्यक्तींना आर्थिक अडचणींचा सामना करावा लागला ज्यामुळे त्यांना शस्त्रक्रियेसह वैद्यकीय सेवा मिळणे कठीण झाले. हे ओझे कमी करण्यासाठी, आम्ही केवळ मोफत मोतीबिंदू शस्त्रक्रियाच केल्या नाहीत तर रुग्णांना त्यांच्या सर्जिकल शिबिरांमध्ये मुक्काम करताना पौष्टिक जेवण उपलब्ध असल्याची खात्रीही केली. या सर्वांगीण दृष्टिकोनाचा उद्देश शस्त्रक्रिया करणार्‍यांच्या सर्वांगीण कल्याणासाठी आहे.

  1. मोफत चष्म्याचे वितरण:

ज्यांना सुधारात्मक चष्म्याची गरज आहे त्यांच्यासाठी आम्ही मोफत चष्मा प्रदान केला.रुग्णांनी केवळ पुनर्संचयित दृष्टीच नाही तर ती राखण्यासाठी साधने देखील सोडली.दैनंदिन क्रियाकलापांसाठी स्पष्ट दृष्टी आवश्यक आहे आणि अनेकांसाठी, योग्य चष्म्याच्या जोडीने हे साध्य केले जाऊ शकते. आमच्या एनजीओने अपवर्तक त्रुटी असलेल्या व्यक्तींना मोफत चष्म्याचे वाटप केले, त्यांना वाचण्यास, काम करण्यास आणि दैनंदिन जीवनात अधिक आरामात व्यस्त राहण्यास सक्षम केले.


प्रभाव आणि परिवर्तन

आमच्या मोहिमेचा मोठा परिणाम झाला. जीवन बदलले, आणि आमच्या कृतींचा प्रभाव सर्जिकल रूमच्या पलीकडे पसरला. जे रुग्ण एकेकाळी दृष्टीच्या समस्यांशी झुंजत होते ते आता अधिक परिपूर्ण जीवन जगू शकले, त्यांची स्वप्ने पूर्ण करू शकले आणि त्यांच्या समुदायांमध्ये सक्रियपणे सहभागी झाले.

आमच्या मोहिमेमुळे समाजात एकतेची भावना निर्माण झाली. स्वयंसेवक, देणगीदार आणि लाभार्थी सर्वांसाठी उज्वल, स्पष्ट भविष्याची सामायिक दृष्टी घेऊन एकत्र आले. जेव्हा एखादा समुदाय एकजुटीने एकत्र उभा राहतो तेव्हा त्या अविश्वसनीय गोष्टींचे प्रदर्शन केले जाते.

1995 च्या व्यापक दृष्टी काळजी मोहिमेने एक चिरस्थायी वारसा सोडला. याने आरोग्यसेवा सुलभता सुधारण्यासाठी चालू असलेल्या प्रयत्नांना प्रेरणा दिली आणि जीवनात परिवर्तन घडवून आणण्यासाठी सर्वांगीण काळजीचे महत्त्व अधोरेखित केले.


1995 मध्ये, आमच्या एनजीओची सर्वसमावेशक दृष्टी काळजी मोहीम करुणेच्या अमर्याद प्रभावाचा पुरावा होता. हे केवळ दृष्टी पुनर्संचयित करण्याबद्दल नव्हते; ते प्रतिष्ठा, स्वातंत्र्य आणि आशा पुनर्संचयित करण्याबद्दल होते. आम्ही या उल्लेखनीय प्रवासावर विचार करत असताना, आम्हाला आठवण करून दिली जाते की एकत्रितपणे, आम्ही आमच्या समुदायाच्या अगदी गडद कोपऱ्यातही प्रकाश आणू शकतो आणि असे करताना, प्रत्येकाला उज्ज्वल भविष्य पाहण्याची संधी मिळेल असे जग तयार करा.

The project lasted from 1995 to 1996. We initiated this project in for the villages of phulambri, Khultabad and kannad tehsil in  aurangabad in 1995.

 The project’s category focused on providing free of cost eye diagnostic services and cataract surgeries with the help of ophthalmologist and medical officers. 

Our primary beneficiary group comprised both women and men who aged 45 to 75 years.

Our mode of delivery involved conducting the project installation and activities at a physical establishment or location.

Our sponsors HelpAge India

Important insight of project –

In 1995, our NGO embarked on a mission that went beyond just restoring sight; it aimed to transform lives and bring hope to those in need. Through a multi-faceted campaign that included free eye testing, cataract surgery, food arrangements for surgery patients, and the distribution of free spectacles, we demonstrated the power of compassion in our community.

In 1995, the eyes of our community turned towards a brighter future as our NGO launched free eye checkup  campaign that addressed not only vision impairment but also the associated challenges faced by those in need. Our comprehensive approach sought to make quality eye care accessible to all, regardless of their financial circumstances.

Our journey began with a simple yet powerful belief: that nobody should live in darkness due to preventable vision problems. With the support of dedicated volunteers, medical professionals, and community leaders, we set out to make this belief a reality.

Our campaign was more than just eye surgeries. It was a holistic endeavor that encompassed various aspects of care:

  1. Free Eye Testing:

We organized free eye testing camps to identify individuals with vision issues. Skilled optometrists and ophthalmologists volunteered their expertise to conduct thorough eye examinations. We recognized that early detection of eye problems is crucial to preventing vision loss. Our dedicated team of healthcare professionals conducted free eye tests, reaching out to remote villages where access to such services was limited. Through these screenings, we were able to identify individuals in need of vision care.


  1. Free Cataract Surgery:

Those diagnosed with cataracts were provided with free surgeries. Local hospitals and surgeons generously contributed their resources and time. Cataracts are a leading cause of blindness in India, especially in rural areas where medical facilities are scarce. Our NGO organized cataract surgery camps, bringing skilled surgeons and necessary equipment to the doorstep of those in need. This initiative restored the vision of many, enabling them to lead more fulfilling lives.

  1. Food Arrangements for Surgery Patients:

We recognized that surgery patients needed support beyond medical care. Volunteers ensured that patients received nutritious meals and compassionate care during their stay. We understood that many individuals in rural areas faced financial constraints that made it difficult for them to access medical care, including surgery. To alleviate this burden, we not only provided free cataract surgeries but also ensured that nutritious meals were available for patients during their stay at the surgical camps. This holistic approach aimed to support the overall well-being of those undergoing surgery.

  1. Distribution of Free Spectacles:

For those in need of corrective eyewear, we provided free spectacles. Patients left not only with restored vision but also the tools to maintain it. Clear vision is essential for daily activities, and for many, this can be achieved with the right pair of spectacles. Our NGO distributed free spectacles to individuals with refractive errors, enabling them to read, work, and engage in everyday life more comfortably.

Impact and transformation –

The impact of our campaign was profound. Lives were transformed, and the ripple effect of our actions extended far beyond the surgical rooms. Patients who had once struggled with vision problems were now able to lead more fulfilling lives, pursue their dreams, and actively participate in their communities.

Our campaign fostered a sense of unity within the community. Volunteers, donors, and beneficiaries came together with a shared vision of a brighter, clearer future for all. It showcased the incredible things that can be achieved when a community stands together in solidarity.

The 1995 comprehensive vision care campaign left an enduring legacy. It inspired ongoing efforts to improve healthcare accessibility and highlighted the importance of holistic care in transforming lives.


In 1995, our NGO’s comprehensive vision care campaign was a testament to the boundless impact of compassion. It wasn’t just about restoring sight; it was about restoring dignity, independence, and hope. As we reflect on this remarkable journey, we are reminded that together, we can bring light to even the darkest corners of our community, and in doing so, create a world where everyone has the opportunity to see a brighter future.

Cataract operations for rural citizens of india

Free of cost eye check up and treatment. supported by Helpage India
Doctors & Nurses


  • Cataract camp
  • Vision care outreach
  • Eye health screening
  • Remote eye care
  • Sight-saving program
  • Cataract elimination
  • Mobile eye surgery unit
  • Preventing blindness
  • Eye health education
  • Ophthalmic services
  • Mobile medical camp
  • Visual impairment prevention
  • Vision restoration
  • Cataract intervention
  • Eye surgery for the underserved
  • Community health outreach
  • Eye health check-up
  • Rural cataract surgery
  • Mobile eye clinic
  • Sight restoration project
  • Vision-saving initiative
  • Cataract awareness
  • Community vision care
  • Sight-saving mission
  • Ophthalmic outreach program
  • Mobile eye health services
  • NGO vision care initiative
  • Free eye check-up
  • Mobile cataract surgery
  • Eye care camp
  • NGO eye health program
  • Cataract removal surgery
  • Vision screening
  • Ophthalmology outreach
  • Eye health awareness
  • Community eye care
  • Outreach eye clinic
  • Mobile vision clinic
  • Free cataract surgery
  • Rural eye care


What was the goal of the Free vision care campaign initiated by Satyashodhak Mahila Vikas Mandal?

The goal of the campaign was to provide free eye testing, cataract surgeries, Post surgery medication supply for patients, and free spectacles to address vision impairment and associated challenges faced by individuals in need, regardless of their financial circumstances.

How did the campaign identify individuals in need of vision care?

The campaign organized free eye testing camps with skilled optometrists and ophthalmologists volunteering to conduct thorough eye examinations. These screenings helped identify individuals with vision issues.

What additional support was provided to surgery patients?

– The campaign ensured that surgery patients received post surgery medications and compassionate care during their stay at the surgical camps to support their overall well-being.

What was the impact of the campaign on the community?

   – The campaign had a profound impact, transforming lives and fostering unity within the community. It enabled patients to lead more fulfilling lives and created a sense of solidarity among volunteers, donors, and beneficiaries.

What was the overarching message of the campaign's conclusion?

– The conclusion of the campaign emphasized the boundless impact of compassion and the importance of restoring dignity, independence, and hope through community efforts.

Who were the primary beneficiaries of this campaign?

The primary beneficiaries were both women and men aged 45 to 75 years.

What was the duration of the project, and where was it initiated?

The project lasted from 1995 to 1996, and it was implemented in remote villages of Aurangabad, Maharashtra, where even the primary health care centers are also not available.

How did the campaign address cataract-related issues?

Those diagnosed with cataracts were provided with free surgeries, thanks to the contribution of local hospitals and surgeons. Entire project was sponsored by helpage india.

Did the campaign provide free spectacles?

– Yes, the campaign distributed free spectacles to individuals with refractive errors to help them improve their daily routines and quality of life.

What enduring legacy did the 1995 vision care campaign leave?

– The campaign inspired ongoing efforts to improve healthcare accessibility and highlighted the importance of holistic care in transforming lives.