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Quality Childcare Matters: Legacy of Satyashodhak Mahila Vikas Mandal's Daycare Center


औरंगाबाद जिल्ह्यातील टेकड्यांमध्ये वसलेल्या तिसगाव या नयनरम्य गावात, 1996-2000 हे वर्ष नोकरी करणाऱ्या पालकांसाठी आणि त्यांच्या लहान मुलांसाठी एका नव्या युगाची पहाट ठरले. ते वर्ष होते जेव्हा “तिसगाव पाळणाघर व संगोपन केंद्र” याचा जन्म झाला – 1 ते 6 या वयोगटातील मुलांसाठी आश्रयस्थान आणि समाजासाठी आशा आणि सक्षमीकरणाचे प्रतीक असणारे हे पाळणाघर. सत्यशोधक महिला विकास मंडळ या समर्पित स्वयंसेवी संस्थेने, अध्यक्ष विनायक गायके यांच्या नेतृत्वाखाली चालवलेले, हे पाळणाघर व संगोपन केंद्र त्याच्या कार्यकाळाच्या अनेक वर्षांच्या पलीकडे  काळजी आणि समर्थनाचा वारसा निर्माण करणारे ठरले.


  1. तिसगावच्या पहिल्या पाळणा घर व संगोपन केंद्राची स्थापना (1996): या उल्लेखनीय प्रवासाची मुळे 1996 मध्ये अध्यक्ष विनायक गायके यांच्या नेतृत्वाखालील सत्यशोधक महिला विकास मंडळाने तिसगावच्या पहिल्या पाळणा घर व संगोपन केंद्राच्या स्थापनेने रोवली. या अग्रगण्य पाऊलाने समाजातील काम करणार्‍या पालकांसाठी विश्वासार्ह बालसंगोपन उपायाची गरज ओळखली.


  1. सुरक्षित आणि पालनपोषण करणारे पर्यावरण: सत्यशोधक महिला विकास मंडळाच्या समर्पित प्रयत्नांमुळे पाळणाघर हे सुरक्षितता, सुरक्षा आणि पालनपोषणाचे समानार्थी शब्द बनले. कामाच्या वेळेत पालक त्यांच्या मुलांना सोपवत, त्यांना माहीत होते की ते प्रेमळ आणि आश्वासक वातावरणात वाढतील.


  1. सर्वांगीण विकास: सत्यशोधक महिला विकास मंडळाच्या मार्गदर्शनाखाली पाळणा घरासाठी समर्पित कर्मचारी प्रत्येक मुलाच्या सर्वांगीण विकासासाठी वचनबद्ध होते. संरचित अभ्यासक्रमामध्ये शैक्षणिक, सर्जनशील आणि मनोरंजक क्रियाकलापांचा समावेश होता, प्रत्येक मुलाची क्षमता जोपासली जाईल याची खात्री केली गेली.


  1. पोषण आणि आरोग्य: सत्यशोधक महिला विकास मंडळाच्या पाळणाघर व संगोपन केंद्र केवळ मुलांच्या मनाचीच नव्हे तर त्यांच्या शरीराचीही काळजी घेत होते. मुलांचे आरोग्य आणि वाढ सुनिश्चित करण्यासाठी पौष्टिक जेवण आणि नाश्ता देण्यात येत होता. त्यांच्या एकूण आरोग्यावर लक्ष ठेवण्यासाठी नियमित आरोग्य तपासणी करण्यात आली.


  1. महिला सक्षमीकरण: सत्यशोधक महिला विकास मंडळाने जन्म दिलेल्या या उपक्रमाचा एक महत्त्वाचा पैलू म्हणजे महिलांचे सक्षमीकरण. एक विश्वासार्ह पाळणाघर व संगोपन केंद्र उभारून, तिसगावमधील मातांना शिक्षण आणि रोजगाराच्या संधींचा पाठपुरावा करण्यास सक्षम केले आणि  समाजातील महिलांच्या सर्वांगीण सक्षमीकरणात महत्त्वपूर्ण योगदान दिले.


  1. शैक्षणिक प्रवेश: सत्यशोधक महिला विकास मंडळाच्या प्रयत्नांमुळे पाळणाघर व संगोपन केंद्राचा प्रभाव शिक्षणावर विस्तारला. केंद्रात उपस्थित राहिलेल्या अनेक मुलांनी सुरळीतपणे औपचारिक शालेय शिक्षणात संक्रमण केले, आवश्यक प्रारंभिक शिक्षण कौशल्यांनी सज्ज झाले ज्यामुळे त्यांना त्यांच्या शैक्षणिक प्रवासाची सुरुवात करता आली.


  1. सामुदायिक प्रभाव: सत्यशोधक महिला विकास मंडळ आणि अध्यक्ष विनायक गायके यांच्या नेतृत्वामुळे तिसगावच्या सामाजिक आणि आर्थिक विकासात पाळणाघर व संगोपन केंद्राने महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका बजावली. याच्या यशाने शेजारच्या समुदायांसमोर एक उदाहरण प्रस्थापित झाले, त्यांना अशाच सुविधा निर्माण करण्यासाठी आणि त्यांच्या मुलांची चांगली काळजी घेण्यासाठी प्रेरणा दिली.


  1. शाश्वतता: चार वर्षांच्या कार्यकाळात, सत्यशोधक महिला विकास मंडळाच्या पाठिंब्याने पाळणा घर हा केवळ तात्पुरता उपाय नव्हता; याने स्व-स्थायित्वाचा पाया घातला. यामुळे त्याच्या स्थापनेनंतर बराच काळ त्याचे निरंतर कार्य आणि समुदायावर सकारात्मक परिणाम सुनिश्चित झाला.

In the picturesque village of Tisgaon, nestled amidst the rolling hills of the Aurangabad district, the year 1996 marked the dawn of a new era for working parents and their young children. It was the year when the “Tisgaon Village Child Daycare” was born – a haven for children aged 1 to 5, and a symbol of hope and empowerment for the community. Operated by the dedicated NGO, Satyashodhak Mahila Vikas Mandal, under the leadership of President Vinayak Gaike, this daycare center would go on to create a legacy of care and support that extended far beyond its years of operation.


  1. Establishment of Tisgaon’s First Child Daycare Center (1996): The roots of this remarkable journey were planted with the establishment of Tisgaon’s first-ever child daycare center in 1996 by Satyashodhak Mahila Vikas Mandal, led by President Vinayak Gaike. This pioneering step recognized the pressing need for a reliable childcare solution for working parents in the community.


  1. Safe and Nurturing Environment:The daycare center became synonymous with safety, security, and nurturing care, thanks to the dedicated efforts of Satyashodhak Mahila Vikas Mandal. Parents could entrust their children’s well-being during working hours, knowing they would thrive in a loving and supportive atmosphere.


  1. Holistic Development: The dedicated staff at the daycare center, under the guidance of Satyashodhak Mahila Vikas Mandal, were committed to the holistic development of each child. A structured curriculum encompassed educational, creative, and recreational activities, ensuring that every child’s potential was nurtured.


  1. Nutrition and Health: Satyashodhak Mahila Vikas Mandal’s daycare center not only cared for children’s minds but also their bodies. Nutritious meals and snacks were provided, ensuring the children’s health and growth. Regular health check-ups were conducted to monitor their overall well-being.


  1. Empowering Women:A pivotal aspect of this initiative was the empowerment of women, championed by Satyashodhak Mahila Vikas Mandal. By offering a reliable daycare option, mothers in Tisgaon were enabled to pursue education and employment opportunities, contributing significantly to the overall empowerment of women in the community.


  1. Education Access: The impact of the daycare center extended to education, thanks to the efforts of Satyashodhak Mahila Vikas Mandal. Many children who attended the center transitioned smoothly into formal schooling, armed with essential early education skills that gave them a head start in their academic journey.


  1. Community Impact:The daycare center played a pivotal role in the social and economic development of Tisgaon, thanks to the leadership of Satyashodhak Mahila Vikas Mandal and President Vinayak Gaike. Its success set an example for neighboring communities, inspiring them to establish similar facilities and provide better care for their children.


  1. Sustainability: Throughout its four-year operation, the daycare center, with the support of Satyashodhak Mahila Vikas Mandal, was not just a temporary solution; it laid the foundation for self-sustainability. This ensured its continued operation and positive impact on the community, long after its establishment.


Beneficiary Enrolled
Part Time Employees


  • Free toddler day care
  • Child care for working parents
  • Toddler learning center
  • Early childhood education
  • Safe toddler care
  • Play-based learning
  • Preschool readiness program
  • Child development activities
  • Creative play for toddlers
  • Toddler socialization
  • Nutritious snacks for toddlers
  • Fun learning for toddlers
  • Toddler supervision
  • Age-appropriate toys
  • Outdoor playtime
  • Toddler care activities
  • Educational play for toddlers
  • Toddler naptime
  • Interactive toddler programs
  • Toddler safety and hygiene
  • Toddler emotional support
  • Toddler-friendly environment
  • Toddler art and crafts
  • Toddler speech development
  • Toddler motor skills development
  • Nutritional support for babies
  • Infant feeding guidance
  • Breastfeeding support
  • Baby food preparation
  • Baby weaning guidance
  • Infant health and nutrition
  • Baby feeding tips
  • Newborn nutritional care
  • Healthy baby diet
  • Infant feeding workshops
  • Baby formula advice
  • Infant dietary counseling
  • Baby meal planning
  • Baby food safety
  • Nutrient-rich baby foods
  • Infant growth monitoring
  • Empowering women at work
  • Women’s career achievement


Were there any fees for using the day-care center's services?

No, our NGO operated the day-care center as a community service, and there were no fees for parents to enroll their children

How was the day-care center staffed?

Our center was staffed by trained, qualified and compassionate caretakers who were dedicated to providing a supportive and educational environment for the children.

What services were offered at the day-care center?

The center offered a range of services, including daily supervision, nutritious meals, early childhood education, and basic healthcare for the children.

What age group did the day-care center cater to?

The day-care center catered to children aged between 6 months to 3 years old, offering age-appropriate activities and care.

What impact did the day-care center have on the community during those years?

The day-care center had a significant positive impact on the community. It allowed mothers to work or attend training programs knowing their children were safe and well cared for. This, in turn, contributed to the economic empowerment of women in the village.