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Review on School Bus (22)

Nandini Vishnu Chavan and Tanuja Sopan Adhane both students Are Happy Because Now They Can Complete Their Education.

Nandini and Tanuja were students at a school where they had to pay a monthly fee for the school bus as well as an annual fee for each academic year. However, this was not easy for their parents, so they had to leave that school and enroll in a new one. Fortunately, at this new school, the Satyashodhak Women’s Development Organization has started providing free school bus service. As a result, the students will now be able to complete their education for free, and all their difficulties and troubles have been resolved. Their joy has thus been doubled, and the students have expressed their gratitude to the organization.

“With the help of generous donors, Satyashodhak Mahila Vikas Mandal, has started a free school bus service for students from underprivileged backgrounds. However, we also sincerely request you to consider contributing Rs. 300 per student per month to support this project financially.”

नंदिनी व तनुजा ह्या विद्यार्थिनी अगोदर ज्या शाळेत शिक्षण घेत होत्या, तिथे स्कूल बस साठी मासिक फिस आणि प्रत्येक शैक्षणिक वर्षासाठी देखील फिस जमा करावी लागत असे.पण हे सर्व त्यांच्या पालकांसाठी म्हणावे तितके सोपे नव्हते,त्यामुळे त्यांना ती शाळा सोडावी लागली ,आणि नवीन शाळेत प्रवेश घ्यायला लागला.आणि सुदैवाने ह्या शाळेत सत्यशोधक महिला विकास मंडळ तर्फे मोफत स्कूल बस सेवा सुरू करण्यात आली आहे,आणि ह्यामुळे आता ह्या विद्यार्थिनी आपले शिक्षण मोफत पूर्ण करू शकणार आहेत,त्यांच्या सर्व अडचणी,त्रास आता नाहीसे झाले आहेत,त्यामुळे त्यांचा आनंद द्विगुणित झाला आहे,म्हणून ह्या विद्यार्थिनींनी संस्थेचे आभार मानले आहेत.


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