An Help To Roshan Rathod For His Steps Towards Bright Future

An Help To Roshan Rathod For His Steps Towards Bright Future.……

Student’s Name – Roshan Sunil Rathod, Grade 6 Roshan, who is currently studying in the 6th grade, is a diligent and attentive student. He regularly attends school, but his home situation is difficult. His parents work as seasonal laborers and are away from home for about 5 months in the year. To support his family, they have to travel to rural areas. Because of this, Roshan often stays alone at home, which leads to various responsibilities for him, but some remain unfulfilled. Recognizing his situation, the organization selected him and provided him with high-quality boots through a Shoe donation program. His joyful smile bears witness to his happiness.

रोशन हा कष्टाळू आणि अभ्यासू विद्यार्थी आहे,तो नियमित शाळेत जातो.पण त्याच्या घराची परिस्थिती अत्यंत नाजूक आहे त्याचे पालक हे ऊसतोड कामगार आहेत,त्यामुळे ते वर्षातील बरेच दिवस हे बाहेरगावी असतात,रोशन घरी एकटाच असतो त्यामुळे त्याच्या अनेक गरजा पूर्ण होत नाही.संस्थेने त्याची निवड करून त्याला उत्तम दर्जाचे बूट भेट दिले.त्याचे हास्य त्याचा आनंद व्यक्त करन्यासाठी

Pic After Donation (24-07-2023)

Charity,Giving back ,Philanthropy, Donor appreciation, Impactful giving, Support a cause, Nonprofit organizations, Community support, Volunteering, Fundraising efforts, Generosity, Social responsibility, Donor engagement, Empowerment through giving, Donation drive, Making a difference, Helping those in nee, Charitable contribution,Giving campaign,Donor spotlight.
