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Donate Shoe 2023

School Shoes for needy students
100% Donated
Goal : ₹ 26,000.00
₹ 26,051.00
Donate Now



Your Small Donation will enhance the confidence and Give inspiration to the life of a student. blessing in the form of shoes will make them ready for Harsh commutes of life.



Live Donation List – Project “Donate shoe”






Sr. No. Student ID Beneficiary details Class Donor details Donation Donation event date
1 3633 Shivam Pravin Shinde 5th Dr. Milind Marathe sir Rs. 500/- 15-Jun-23
2 3634 Satyam Nitin Shinde 5th Dr. Milind Marathe sir Rs. 500/- 15-Jun-23
3 3318 Sham Sainath Rathod 8th Dr. Milind Marathe sir Rs. 500/- 15-Jun-23
4 3397 Gaurav Dnyaneshwar Chande 7th Dr. Milind Marathe sir Rs. 500/- 15-Jun-23
5 3607 Arun Kaduba Gangad 8th Prof. Amar Shinde sir Rs. 500/- 15-Jun-23
6 3605 Pralhad Gawarchand Mengal 8th Mr. Deepak Barawkar sir & Mr. Rahul Saykar sir Rs. 300+251/- 15-Jun-23
7 3463 Hrushikesh Ishwar Chavhan 7th Dr. Vijaya Puranik ma’am Rs. 500/- 15-Jun-23
8 3461 Neha Ankush Pawar 7th Dr. Vijaya Puranik ma’am Rs. 500/- 15-Jun-23
9 3673 Krushna Devrao Madhe 6th Mr. Suraj Sudhir Shende sir Rs. 500/- 10-Jul-23
10 3669 Ishwar sakaram Gangad 6th Prof. Akshay Jadhav sir Rs. 500/- 10-Jul-23
11 3651 Nandini Arjun Jadhav 5th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- 17-Jul-23
12 3653 Arjun Sanjay Rathod 5th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- 17-Jul-23.
13 3654 Radha Adinath Jadhav 5th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- .17-Jul-23
14 3650 Gayatri Ramesh Jadhav 5th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- .17-Jul-23
15 3680 Hrithik Pandurang Garje 5th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- 17-Jul-23
16 3685 Divya Sunil Tupe 5th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- .17-Jul-23
17 3706 Rudra Vishnu Adhane 5th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- .17-Jul-23
18 3690 Viraj Sandeep Chavan 5th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- .17-Jul-23
19 3707 Vishal Ramhari Golhar 5th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- .17-Jul-23
20 3713 Akshay Raghunath Rathod 5th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- .17-Jul-23
21 3601 Jagdish Siddha Bharwad 6th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- .17-Jul-23
22 3532 Arjun Pradhan Pawar 6th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- .17-Jul-23
23 3396 shivnath baban khadke 7th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- .17-Jul-23
24 3712 Vedika Ramesh Sonawane 5th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- .17-Jul-23
25 3652 Pranjali Sudam Chavan 5th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- .17-Jul-23
26 3618 Gopal Bansilal Jadhav 6th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- .17-Jul-23
27 3594 Rajshree Krishna Pawar 6th Ravikant Jadhav sir Rs. 500/- .17-Jul-23
28 3604 Roshni Tejas Rathod 6th Bhushan Suryawanshi sir Rs. 500/- .17-Jul-23
29 2523 Yogita Ganpat Pardhe 7th Yogesh Shinde sir Rs. 500/- .17-Jul-23
30 3595 Roshan Sunil Rathod 6th Azmeen Bakkar ma’am Rs. 500/- 24- Jul-23
31 3509 Swati Ashok Mengal 7th Azmeen Bakkar ma’am Rs. 500/- 24-Jul-23
32 3315 Sonali Ramchandra awale 8th Rahul Saykar sir Rs. 500/- 31-Jul-23
33 3520 Monika Yogesh Pawar 6th Pallavi Pandav ma’am Rs. 500/- 31-Jul-23
34 3602 Mehul gyalaamir Jograna 6th DOCTORATES & PROFESSORS MUSIC GROUP Rs. 500/- 08-Aug-23
35 3519 Nandini Narsing Rathod 7th DOCTORATES & PROFESSORS MUSIC GROUP Rs. 500/- 08-Aug-23
36 3502 Bali Raju Chavhan 7th DOCTORATES & PROFESSORS MUSIC GROUP Rs. 500/- 08-Aug-23
37 3462 Nandini Sanjay Rathod 7th DOCTORATES & PROFESSORS MUSIC GROUP Rs. 500/- 08-Aug-23
38 3584 Trupti Laxman Mali 6th DOCTORATES & PROFESSORS MUSIC GROUP Rs. 500/- 08-Aug-23
37 3524 Shubham Ganesh Chavan 7th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- 17-Aug-23
38 3603 Naresh Gyalaamir Jograna 7th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- 17-Aug-23
39 3357 Shruti Ravindra More 8th B Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- 17-Aug-23
40 3398 Sujal Rohidas Rathod 7th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- 17-Aug-23
41 3457 Pruthviraj Vasant Chavan 7th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- 17-Aug-23
42 3580 Monika Dilip Atkare 7th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- 17-Aug-23
43 3503 Sahdev Dnyaneshwar Rathod 7th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- 17-Aug-23
44 3626 Ashmera Majid Pathan 9th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- 17-Aug-23
45 3667 Samrin Sajid Pathan 7th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- 17-Aug-23
46 3460 Nikita Ankush Pawar 7th Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- 17-Aug-23
47 3330 Ram Sunil Rathod 8th A Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- 17-Aug-23
48 3508 Shivani Jagan Rathod 8th B Osman Maqsood sir Rs. 500/- 17-Aug-23
49 3616 Vedika Ramhari Golhar 6th Ankit Agrawal sir Rs. 500/- 17-Aug-23
50 3331 Lakhan Ram Rathod 8th Ankit Agrawal sir Rs. 500/- 17-Aug-23
51 3627 Haidar Sajid Pathan 9th A Ankit Agrawal sir Rs. 500/- 17-Aug-23
52 3522 Rajnandini Ambadas Rathod 7th Ankit Agrawal sir Rs. 500/- 17-Aug-23



ग्रामीण भारतात काम करणारी एक NGO म्हणून, आम्ही मुलांना त्यांच्या पात्रतेच्या शिक्षणापर्यंत पोहोचण्यास मदत करण्यासाठी वचनबद्ध आहोत. तथापि, ग्रामीण भागातील अनेक मुलांसाठी, फक्त शाळेत जाणे एक आव्हान असू शकते. खडकाळ आणि धुळीच्या रस्त्यांवरून शाळेकडे चालणे पायांना त्रास देऊ शकते आणि योग्य पादत्राणेशिवाय हे जवळजवळ अशक्य काम असू शकते.


म्हणूनच आज आम्ही तुमच्यापर्यंत पोहोचत आहोत. ज्या शालेय विद्यार्थ्यांना ते खरेदी करणे परवडत नाही त्यांच्यासाठी शूज उपलब्ध करून देण्यासाठी आम्ही तुमची मदत मागत आहोत. असे केल्याने, तुम्ही या मुलांच्या जीवनात खरा बदल घडवून आणाल आणि त्यांच्या शिक्षणाच्या मार्गातील अडथळे दूर करण्यात मदत कराल.या लहानशा कृतीमुळे मुलांच्या शिक्षणातच नव्हे, तर त्यांच्या एकूण आरोग्यामध्ये आणि आरोग्यामध्येही मोठा फरक पडू शकतो.

शूजची एक जोडी दान करून, तुम्ही या मुलांचे उज्ज्वल भविष्य घडवण्यात मदत कराल, जिथे त्यांना यशस्वी होण्याची आणि भरभराटीची संधी मिळेल. तुमची उदारता आम्हाला अधिक मुलांपर्यंत पोहोचण्यात, खरा प्रभाव पाडण्यासाठी आणि सर्वांसाठी चांगले भविष्य घडवण्यात मदत करू शकते.

 तुमच्या उदारतेबद्दल धन्यवाद.

As an NGO working in rural India, we are committed to helping children access the education they deserve. However, for many children in rural areas, simply getting to school can be a challenge. Walking to school on rocky paths and dusty roads can take a toll on the feet, and without proper footwear, it can be an almost impossible task.

That’s why we are reaching out to you today. We are asking for your help in providing shoes for school students who cannot afford to buy them. By doing so, you will be making a real difference in the lives of these children, and helping to break down the barriers that stand in the way of their education.

We understand that there are many worthy causes vying for your attention, but we urge you to consider the impact that a single pair of shoes can have on a child’s life. With a pair of shoes, a child can walk to school with confidence, knowing that they will be able to make the journey without pain or discomfort. This small act can make a big difference, not only in the child’s education, but also in their overall health and wellbeing.

So please, we urge you to give what you can. Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of these children, and help to create a brighter, more equitable future for all. Thank you for your time, your attention, and your generosity.

It will take only INR 500 to donate the pair of shoes.


1st Event Date : 15 June 2023 2nd Event Date : 1 July 2023
Beneficiary Enrolled
Donors Expected
Donations of Previous Year


Donation for Life

Donate today for the better development of the society

₹ 500
₹ 1,000
₹ 1,500
₹ 2,000
15 June 2023
First Donation event
Received Rs. 4000/- from all donors and utilized in buying 8 pairs of shoes

10 July 2023
Second Donation Event
We received Rs. 1000 till 9th July 2023 so 2 pairs were purchased for school students

17 July 2023
Third Donation Event
We received Rs. 9500 till 15th July 2023 so total 19 pairs were purchased for school students. Invoice attached.

24 July 2023
Fourth Donation Event
We received Rs. 1000 for shoes donation from 17th to 23rd july 2023

31th July 2023
Fifth Donation Event
Received Rs. 1000 and have donated 2 pairs of shoes

8th August 2023
Sixth Donation Event
Received Rs. 2500 from "Doctorates & Professors Music Group" and have donated 5 pairs of shoes


How this works ?

We are Charitable NGO recognized by Niti ayog, IT dept, of india and having 80G and CSR1 certificates. 

All donations are received in bank account of the trust “Satyashodhak Mahila Vikas Mandal” current account via PayTM payment gateway. Once the donations received volunteers make up the budget ready for next event and finalize the vendor against the best quotation received. 
The payment is transferred to vendor bank account and volunteers get the gifts or stationary as per the project requirements.

How do you make sure my gifts to Chariti are spent wisely?

a live donation and beneficiary list is maintained to retain the transparency of donations received and projects conducted. we also post all projects on social media and any donor can contact to respective beneficiary on request. 

Is my donation considered for TAX Benefits ?

– Yes. Under special exemption, 50% of total donated amount is deducted from taxable amount of donor. for that donor need to submit PAN details and address details (before 30 April of every year) which will be forwarded by NGO to Income Tax Department of India with Form 10BD.  CLICK HERE 🔗 for submission of PAN CARD details for TAX BENEFIT.  

What if Payment fails ?

The failed / incomplete / bounced payment transactions will be handled well by PayTM as payment gateway. it will take 7 working days for complete rectification of issues and refund of money in adverse cases. If you faced such issues during donation process please contact us on admin@vishwajeet.org.

What percentage of my donation goes towards programs?

Minimum 92% donations are utilized for the purpose of project and transferred to beneficiary. 
There are following factors responsible for remaining 8% or less

1. Transport costs (Max 5% depends on project)

2. Payment charges (Max. 2.99% in case of international credit cards)

3. Volunteer Honorarium (Max 7% in case of activity based projects)

Which is the fastest and efficient way of donation ?

Under Rs. 2000, The Fastest and recommended payment method is UPI via scanning QR.

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