
Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his characteristic behavior and thought.

~ Gordon Allport

Introduction to Personality






Concept Clarity Videos

The dynamic organization of psycho-physical system which interacts with the environment is nothing but personality. Organizational Behavior is one of the major applied subject of Human resource management which deals with managerial concepts related to Personality.
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👉🏻Current Playlist of Organizational Behavior : OB Course Login Tutorial : Vishwajeet…  #SoneriVishwa
👉🏻 For direct selection of a specific chapter please select below:
00:00 Introduction
01:50 Persona means mask
06:45 how we switch the personalities ?
07:50 different lives we experience
11:20 definition of personality #1
17:50 Definition of personality #2
25:00 shaolin monks
27:05 practical diagram of personality
39:50 measuring the personality : psychological tests
44:00 types of psychological assessment

👉🏻 The fundamental difference between type theory and trait theory e.g. #MBTI vs #NEO-PI extraversion, conscientiousness, neuroticism, emotional stability, openness to experience, thinking vs feeling, intuition vs sensing, extraversion vs introversion, judging vs perceiving
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👉🏻 For direct selection of a specific chapter please select below:
00:00 Introduction
02:29 Work performance and personality
07:55 Evolution of theories of personality
08:40 Type theory vs trait theory
14:00 Introduction to MBTI (Myers Briggs type indicator)
23:00 Weakness of type theory
25:10 Introduction of NEO-PI (NEO personality inventory)
32:00 Emotional stability
37:30 Smile is contagious

Johari Window

  • The Johari window is a technique designed to help people better understand their relationship with themselves and others.
  • It was created by psychologists Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in 1955 and is used primarily in self-help groups and corporate settings as a heuristic exercise.
  • It illustrates the concept of self-awareness and interpersonal communication within a team or workplace.
  • it helps individuals and teams understand their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.
  • Embracing the Johari Window can foster better collaboration, enhance leadership skills, and promote a healthier work environment in the field of OB.