Each student will get the supportive accessories of Rs. 4,500/- this includes 1 complete set of curricular books and stationary for year, 2 sets of uniform, 1 pair of durable school shoes, 1 branded inverter bulb (back up up to 3 hours), 1 heavy duty study table

JADHAV GAYATRI RAMESH Adopted By Rucha Kapare ma'am

शाळा: - तीसगांव विद्यालय तीसगांव ता.खुलताबाद जि. छ.संभाजीनगर. कु.जाधव गायत्री रमेश. Ku. . प्रवेश क्रमांक : - 3650. P.R.NO. : - 3650. आईचे नाव : - भाग्यश्री. Mother Name : - Bhagyashree. जात : - मराठा. Caste No. : - Maratha. Date Of Birth. : - 22/072013. School Admission Date : - 16/06/2023

ADHANE DHANSHRI ISHWAR adopted by Osman Maqsood sir

शाळा: - तीसगांव विद्यालय तीसगांव ता.खुलताबाद जि. छ.संभाजीनगर. कु.अधाने धनश्री ईश्वर. प्रवेश क्रमांक : - 3619. P.R.NO. : - 3619. आईचे नाव : - . कविता Mother Name : -. KAVITA जात : - मराठा. Caste No. : - Maratha. जन्म दिनांक : 28/02/2011. Date Of Birth. :- 28/02/2011 School Admission Date : - 16/06/2023 वर्ग: - 7. वा Class. : - 7 th